Chester is online!


You can play Chester right now! Last week I made the BETA version public for the Test & Play event. If you didn't catch it there, you should check it out right now. It works great on mobile, or any browser.

A screenshot of a chess puzzle, with a white queen, bishop, person and dog.
One of the 36 puzzles. Can you get Chester across the dance floor?

What's in

This demo version is a prototype with 36 puzzles, while the full game will have (at least) 64 puzzles. The puzzle mechanics will stay the same, though the full game will introduce a few more. But the biggest difference: while Chester is now online, he is not at the park yet.

The world map of the Chester demo, showing 36 puzzle boards.
Who can beat all 36 puzzles first?

Chester is currently being completely rewritten from scratch, and the new version will include a rich overworld to explore. I hope to be able to share more on that soon!

Test & Play

Last week was the fourth edition of Test & Play, a series of play testing events in Rotterdam. I was there to share Chester, and it was great fun. There were a ton of great people who checked out Chester, not to mention 4 other great game developers. Seeing people play and enjoy something you made is the greatest reward in game development.

A table with a laptop, stickers, and a poster Three people talking about Chester in an arcade
Left: The Chester stand, with stickers, the promotion page and the poster.
Right: Me, talking with two players, who have Chester open on their phone.

I also designed a poster and had stickers printed. I'm really happy how these turned out. There's still some stickers left, so hit me up if you would like some!

A poster for Chester, lying on a red rug A laptop with multiple stickers, including one of the knight
Left: The Chester poster.
Right: One of the stickers on a laptop.

I want to thank Test & Play for letting me share my game, and of course everyone who came to the event for playing Chester! Hopefully Chester will make it to more events in the future.

A pixel art sprite of Chester the dog